Community Information for Rossendale
Rossendale Community Directory provides news and information about community services, events and volunteering for people living or working in Rossendale.
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In the directory of services you will find ‘not-for-profit’ organisations and services provided for the benefit of Rossendale citizens. Some of these will be small, local groups supporting a particular cause. Others will be a nearby branch of larger organisations that may have a wider presence. To add or update information please let us know. There are several ways to contact us -
Here at Rossendale Community Directory we compile a calendar of events from in and around your local area. These might by one-off events or be run on a regular basis. Type a keyword into the calendar to see what is available or browse through the calendar to see what is going on on a particular date. Alternatively, see the links to an organisations events on their directory page. -
Find out what is happening in local organisations in your local area. You will find the most recent news items listed below. Does your community group or organisation have a message that they want to get out there? Share with us what you are planning and we will help get your message out there.